My Terminal setup

A few friends have asked me about my terminal setup, so I decided to write up a small blog post about it. This is what my terminal looks like in action: »

Git: Cleaning up merged branches

Using some kind of git branching strategy (e.g. GitFLow, GitHub Flow or other) normally produces quite a lot of branches. When these do not get merged on you »

How to: OS X ad-hoc batch resize images

I am by no means any photographer who generates thousands of pictures per year and has apps and workflows around all that, but a need to batch resize big pictures »

Drupal: Slow Manage Features page

Many sites and distributions built on Drupal make use of Features. It often happens that having a big number of features on a site makes the Manage Features »

Drupal: Save Entity Field Without Saving Entity Itself

Drupal provides API for saving entities such as node_save() or user_save(). Functions like this update the whole provided entity, using up a lot of resources »

How-to: Keep Shell Connection

It happens too often that I get disconnected from a shell connection after a while of inactivity with message Write failed: Broken pipe. To prevent this, simply »